Project Description

Client: A Community of Friends (ACOF)
Location: Los Angeles, CA

New construction of a 36 unit mixed-used development including 36 residential units and a retail building. The project included high performance exterior building envelope meeting Energy Star Homes requirements, including fully blown-in wall insulation, that allowed the high efficiency HVAC systems to be sized to meet the greatly reduced heating and cooling loads of the building.

  • First Affordable Housing project in Southern California that is carbon neutral for operational energy
  • LEED for Homes Platinum certified project
  • Advanced infiltration systems that infiltrate nearly all site storm water, helping to replenish the ground water table
  • New solar thermal system that offsets 50% of the domestic hot water heating load, used in conjunction with heat pump water heaters
  • First building in LA County to install a permitted gray water system to flush toilets and to irrigate (saving 605,000 gallons of potable water per year, equal to 30% of the potable water demand)